Wayfarer's Journey
Click the bottom right of the video for full playlist
Twelve instrumental songs by Deborah Johnson, available as CD, album or single song download. Nine instrumental songs also performed as instrumental solos and all sheet music and instrumental accompaniment tracks are available too! Signed copies available here.
The album
Classically inspired piano & instrumental songs and solos. You used to play piano…then you lived life. It's time to play piano again! Intermediate level solos–get the sheet music and start playing again today! We even have several with Online Courses to help you out!
What type of songs are on Wayfarer's Journey?
Twenty-one selections, including both piano & instrumental solos. CD & downloads available.
Instrumental solos on both violin & flute can be performed on most solo instruments.
All sheet music for all arrangements available for immediate download. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL!
Instrumental solo tracks also available on an additional album-download only.
Sheet Music Download
Piano solo scores, instrumental solo scores, piano solos & piano solo book available, all as immediate downloads on SheetMusicPlus.com. Preview all songs before purchase!
The Songs
(click on pages for full-size image!)

Deborah Johnson
Deborah Johnson is not only a headliner artist, but speaker, author, composer and educator with a Master of Arts degree in composition and arranging. Deborah began taking piano lessons at the age of nine and quickly progressed, as her teacher realized she could play by ear and improvise easily. She started combining playing the piano with singing quite early on, proving to be a skill to propel her as one of the top women vocalists/ pianists in the country and world.
Deborah started studying classical piano in high school with Joanna Hodges, the first woman concert pianist to perform in Communist Russia. At this time, Joanna not only taught her good technique, expanding her repitoire for performance, but the discipline to compete in major concerto and other classical competitions. She began her college education with emphasis in both piano/vocal performance and education, and ended up acheiving both a secondary teaching degree, then a Masters Degree.
With over two dozen albums, three full-length original musicals with National Distribution and four books under her belt, these all make Deborah a part of a unique group of women entertainers and composers in the world. She has also recorded and performed on many large stages with Wayland Pickard, part of the piano duo, Double Grandé.
In the past years, she has been up for multiple Grammy Awards for her original songs, arrangements and albums. She is also a Keynote Speaker and has many Online Programs available. (See Music Courses Here)
Deborah is also a long-distance runner; she runs her businesses, her home and keeps up with three amazing sons and a husband.
The Song Stories and Historical Background (Click on each to expand)
A person who travels on foot. Life's journey has many mountains & rugged hills as well as valleys & unexpected turns. One of the great wayfarers of American folklore was Johnny Appleseed, who wandered across the country, always planting apple seeds. The origin of the Middle English word, wayfarere, came from way (way) and farere, traveler from faren (to go.) The first known use of wayarer was in the 15th century.
Solace is to give comfort to in grief or misfortune, to console or to amuse. It's first known use was in the 13th century. Giving solace should be to assure, cheer, console, reassure, comfort or soothe with reassurance. Quiet means to make little or no noise or to carry out discreetly. To give quiet solace is to calmly sooth and comfort.
The word nocturnal relates to an occurrence at night. The word is Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French nocturnel and Latin, nocturnus from noct or nox, night. The first known use was in the 15th century.
Pirouette is a ballt term, which is an act of spinning on one foot, typically with the raised foot touching the knee of the supporting leg. It is an act of spinning, twirling and turing. The origin of the word pirouette is French, literally, teetotum. The first known use is in 1706.
Cascade is a small waterfall, typically one that falls several stages down a steep rocky slope. The definition calso includes a large amount of something that flows or hangs down, or things that happen quickly in a series. The origin of the word Cascade is French, from the Italian cascata, from cascare (to fall) and from Vulgar Latin casiacare and Latin casus, fall. The first known use was in 1641.
Traveling from one place to another, a trip. The origin of the word is Middle English, from Anglo-French jurnee day (day's journey). The first known use of journey is from the 13th century. The combination of the two words, Wayfarer's Journey, further emphasizes traveling on foot.
Homecoming is an instance of returning home. It also has the meaning of a high school, college or university game, dance or other event to which alumni are ivited. The fist known use was in the 14th century as from Middle English homcomyng, replacing hamcume. Ham (home) + cyme (arrival)
The mood, character, quality, tone, atmosphere, particularly of an environment or place. That which surrounds or encompasses. Also spelled ambience. The origin of the word ambiance comes from the French ambi (ant) surrounding. Also Middle French, ambient, coming from the Latin, ambient + ance.
A lullaby or cradlesong; a musical composition usually in 6/8 or 3/4 tie. The composition for instrument or voice usually has a soothing, reflective character, thus lulling a child to sleep. The origins of the word berceuse comes from the French in 1875-80, equivalent to berc (er) to rock + euse (suffix forming a noun)
Solitary: A secluded or lonely place, being by oneslef. Single, alone. Origin 1300-50 Middle English. Serenade: A piece of music, vocal or instrumental, played in the open air at night, as by a lover under the window of his lady. Origin of the word serenade is from the French (1640-50) sérénade and the Italian serenata.
Times Five is written in 5/4 time signature, coming from the term quintuple meter characterized by five beats in a measure. Before the 20th century, quintuple time was rare in European concert music, but is more commonly found in other world cultures. This 5/4 time signature is divided as a 3 + 2 feel. (1-2-3, 1-2 accents on the 1) With most compound meters, it is helpful to identify the metrical pattern within the bars.
The point in the flight of an aircraft beyond which the remaining fuel will be insufficient for a return to the starting point with the result that the craft must proceed: a critical point at which turning back or reversal is not possible. Also refers to a decision-making process where one has committed oneself irrevocably to a course of action or policy.