Music for Kids: When to Start Piano Lessons
Why Piano? Why are Music Lessons Important?
If a student learns basic piano including the chords, even if learning another instrument, he or she will develop a deeper understanding of the language of music.
Music also improves self-discipline, thinking skills, spatial reasoning, creative abilities and more. A must-read for every parent and grandparent! Great gift too!
Of the 12 chapters, the last 2 are bonus chapters: Music and Stress and The Mozart Effect! Katie and Rachel, discuss many of your questions and we drop in on their conversations.
What's Included in Music for Kids?
- 1THE IMPORTANCE OF MUSIC LESSONS: When & Why Music Lessons, Music in the Schools, Private Teacher, What age? Community Music Classes, Other classes
- 2DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PIANOS & KEYBOARDS: Acoustic & Electronic pianos, Benefits of each type, Why start your child on piano?
- 3SEARCHING FOR A PIANO & PRIVATE PIANO TEACHER: What to look for in a piano, What to look for in a private teacher
- 4HIRING THE RIGHT TEACHER: Referrals & Professional Organizations, What should the teacher teach? Are online piano programs good for beginners?
- 5LEARNING THE BASICS: Chords, Five-Note Scales, Arpeggios, Pedal, Improvisation, Relaxation, Posture and Hand Position
- 6PERFORMANCE and GOALS: How to cope with nervousness, Implementing perfect practice & concentration, Memorization, Goals for the beginner
- 7MUSIC and STRESS: Calming & relaxing power of music, How music can affect the heart rate & brain function, Using music as a diversion, Using music in therapy, Benefits of studying a musical instrument
- 8THE MOZART EFFECT: Why Einstein played Mozart, What is the Mozart Effect? Mozart & spatial reasoning, Commercial power of the Mozart Effect, Playing Mozart & playing baseball, Playing Mozart for babies in the womb, Does playing classical music really make your kids smarter?
Deborah Johnson M.A.
Deborah is not only a headliner artist, but speaker, author, composer and educator with a Master of Arts degree in composition and arranging. Deborah began taking piano lessons at the age of nine and quickly progressed, as her teacher realized she could play by ear and improvise easily. She started combining playing the piano with singing quite early on, proving to be a skill to propel her as one of the top women vocalists/ pianists in the country and world.
More about Music for Kids!
I was recently at my local market when I ran into an acquaintance. She excitedly started telling me about her granddaughter’s recent performance and couldn’t get over how good her granddaughter was, elaborating about her stage presence and voice. Then she came to the question I’ve been asked thousands of times, “When is a good age to start her in voice lessons?” Knowing her granddaughter was about six years old, I realized tens of thousands of mothers, grandmothers and caregivers are asking this same question. I was not planning on writing a book on Music for Kids; it was not in my yearly or even multi-yearly plans to do so. However, I was finding a whole new generation was asking the same question that grandmother asked me without a current place to find answers. That propelled me to write this book.
Should you only start your child in music lessons if you feel they have real talent? How important are private music lessons and are they really worth the money and effort? What other options are there for getting your child interested and involved in music at a young age? I address these and many more questions by dropping in on the discussion of two fictional friends, Katie and Rachel.
"Music education is an important and worthwhile endeavor for any family, but most people don't know where or how to begin. I heartily endorse this book, which is the only one I've ever seen that succinctly and directly addresses many of the questions and concerns I frequently hear from parents who are interested in starting their children in their musical journey. The information that Deborah provides will undoubtedly guide parents in building a successful foundation in music for their family, and help curb the high drop out rate in music education. Highly recommended for anyone that wants to get their children started with a positive approach to music creating as part of their lifestyle, benefiting
them holistically for their lifetime."
Grammy Award® Winning Artist, Composer, B.A.Music, M.A.Psychology
"In her book, Deborah addresses the overwhelming questions new parents may ask, and even the questions they may never have thought to ask or research. She shows the great impact that music can have from early disciplines in children, all the way to the affects of music in managing stress later in life. I have seen first hand the challenges in getting a child to start and progress into a well-seasoned musician, as well as the huge benefits music can have in adult lives. Deborah gives parents help in understanding what it takes to help their children to be successful, and great insight and guidelines as they consider starting this journey with their children."
"I can't overstate the value of music education, and not just for those who seem to have talent or special interest in music. Music touches the soul like very few other things can in this universe. Why is music so important, specifically piano? Deborah answers those questions and more in her book. As music programs are declining in numbers and support, the responsibility comes back to parents and caregivers in the home, which is actually the way it used to be. Music for Kids is a must-read for answering some of the basic questions, asked over and over on how, when and why. Deborah is an absolute pro, whom I had the chance of working with some years ago. She was one of the few pianists who could follow all my multiple key changes on the organ!"
Concert Organist & Pianist, Roland Artist, Composer, Music Director