Event Entertainment: Headliner and Concert

DEBORAH's solo shows

Event entertainment from Gershwin songs, including Rhapsody in Blue, to the soaring music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, to Deborah’s top original musicals and compositions, Deborah Johnson gives her audiences a show they won’t forget with exciting piano and vocal artistry. She presently books very limited live engagements.

DUETS with double grandé

Deborah and Wayland provide HEADLINER DUET event entertainment with Double Grande, featuring two grand pianos and two grand vocals. They have performed on huge stages for corporate and concert events with multiple standing ovations each time. Shows include Legendary Duets, Broadway to Hollywood and The Classics Rock. They also provide outreach events and are wonderful emcees and speakers. Listen to amazing albums! The Double Grande Experience and Classics Rock.  See more on their dedicated page at DoubleGrandePianos.com

Double Grande

Deborah Johnson & Wayland Pickard

theatrical show: God's Music

The incredible blend of two powerhouse voices, Deborah and DavidJohnson and Johnson, provide incredible event entertainment for concert venues. They are not only extremely talented, but a unique mother/son combination with a warmth audiences love. God’s Music is a theatrical show featuring best-loved hymns, spirituals and gospel songs based on the album up for a 2012 Grammy, My Father’s Favorite Hymns (click to listen)–additional choral parts for local choirs. Music & Show available for licensing soon in 2025.

Get this Free Online Course!

Absolutely FREE 3-part Video Course including Hand Position, Basic Notes on the Keyboard & staff and 5-Note Scales & Chords. These are the very BASICS of learning piano but if you've not had your hands on a keyboard in a while, it this mini-course will get you going again!