Buy Sheet Music to You Are Faithful, You are Lord. Piano and vocal solo or unison chorus. Pop ballad style and three key changes for the four verses. Contemporary new ballad based on the attributes of Gods faithfulness, power in creation and power throughout our lives. You are Faithful, You are Lord, written by Deborah Johnson.
When there was nothing at all, And there was darkness in space, You reached out through the night, You spoke the world into place.
Dividing sea and the land, You did this all with your hand. Created mountain and shore, FOR YOU ARE FAITHFUL, YOU ARE LORD.
You made an ocean so deep, Commanded waves to move so free, You put the creatures that would be on every mountain, plain and sea.
And from the earth you took some clay, Created man to walk that day. And with a breath your love outpoured, FOR YOU ARE FAITHFUL, YOU ARE LORD.
When all the people you made Turned against the Word you gave, They had a need to find a way For redemption, love and grace.
You sent your Son from Heaven above, An act of mercy, act of love. Your saving power to restore, FOR YOU ARE FAITHFUL, YOU ARE LORD.
When we see what came before, We find you’re faithful, You are Lord. So when the wind and rain come down, We find a love that has no bound.
For when we can’t see past the storm, You can mend a heart that’s torn. You are all we need and more, FOR YOU ARE FAITHFUL, YOU ARE LORD.
From My Father’s Favorite Hymns Album. You can buy sheet music to In the Garden as a single download at (you can also hear the song here!) or in My Father’s Favorite Hymns Piano/Vocal Book.