DJWorks Media
Music • Books • Speaking • Online Learning
We provide resources and products that entertain as well as educate! We offer courses and products to help you achieve your dreams, keep your mind sharp and provide hours of enjoyment!
We are a MEDIA COMPANY. That means we produce video, podcasts, live engagements and online training mostly for our own products.
Concert Pianist • Vocalist • Author • Composer
I built a business as a professional pianist and vocal entertainer and also taught musical skills from the private to the graduate levels. In all these endeavors I developed successful solutions and systems to either develop my business or develop students skills so they could build their own careers. Putting systems together has also helped me create dozens of albums, write four books, three full-length musicals and hundreds of songs, many up for GRAMMY® Awards. The system works!
New Book: The SUMMIT!
We are so more than just music! (although the music is great!)
is a 20-week virtual program
Life is too short to keep asking "What's next?"
It's no fun to feel stuck. Don't keep circling endlessly.
Your best years are ahead-you are worth pursuing them!
The R.O.I. on personal development is unlimited!
We only open this program up twice a year for individuals. Don't miss out!
We now have a program for teams that can start at any time.
Now on Amazon and other retailers!
Look inside. ALL print versions & Audible available now!
Deborah Johnson is truly amazing. She has a relentless ethic, warm demeanor, contagious enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards everything she touches. She has a unique combination of technical chops and people skills - equally adept at performing onstage or diving into technical IT details. A recent podcast with her talented husband Greg about cryptocurrency is another example of her wide-ranging skillset. casino cash money
Mark Malbon- Retired "Big Four" Audit Partner and CFO
Deborah currently has four musicals that are available for licensing. FREE Sampler! You can check them out here:
One Little Kiss
Deborah has a number of albums available. For physical CD's, you can order them directly here: CDs. Direct downloads are still available online here. Also select Instrumental accompaniment tracks and videos! Order Personalized Products here
Deborah has SIX books available: Stuck is Not a Four Letter Word, Music for Kids, Bad Code, Women at Halftime, The SUMMIT & Stop Circling! You can find out more about them with links to purchase & preview here: BOOKS All versions are available on Amazon.
Learn Piano Online, anywhere, anytime 24-7! Multiple videos, step-by-step instruction. Lower your stress, keep your mind sharp!
why we do it
We’ve been there
At this point in my life I'm not doing as much concert work. What I AM doing is helping those, especially in their second half of life (after age 40!) create their ideal lifestyle & work. Much of that includes music! Our Learn Music Again program is for those who "used to play" and "want to play again." And there's an online course to go through ALL the basics just in case you're super-rusty!
Let's Do This Together
Music has the power to lower stress. It also keeps the mind sharp, even reducing the effeccts of Alzheimers & Dementia. Plus it's SUPER FUN! All our online programs take you through a step-by-step approach to creating the life and business of your dreams. You are totally worth the makeover that confidence and assurance brings--even from adding music in your life! If not now, when? The time to start is now. Let's do this together!
What they say
Concert attendee
Boynton Beach, FL
Not just great...Dynamite!
Women at Halftime PODCAST
Encourages those at mid-career & the halftime of their life to take advantage of their skills, resources and talent to pursue their goals and dreams to make their second half even better than their first. Practical tools and principles for both business and life. A new episode comes out every Tuesday with bonus episodes released on Fridays! Subscribe on your favorite platform and never miss an episode, including bonus episodes!
Think it's been too long since you played music? Do you feel it's TOO LATE to start again now? Wht if I told you there's never been a BETTER TIME to start than now? FREE Sheet Music, MP3 & mini Online Course!
Fun, historical facts and things you want to know about pianos! And it's entirely FREE!